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Latest News at ICA-AP

Dec 08, 2008 2008 ICA-AP Regional Assembly was held at Melia Hotel in Hanoi (Vietnam) on 5th December 2008. The meeting of the Regional Assembly was chaired by Mr. Li Chunsheng, Chairman of Regional Assembly. 195 participants from 24 countries and three...
Dec 03, 2008 Due to the closure of the Bangkok Airport, several researchers could not arrive in Hanoi, but many of them managed to come.The conference discussed on various co-operative topics, like:Diagnostic Study on Dynamics of Dairy Cooperatives in Drought...
Dec 02, 2008 An informal group of researchers have been holding Asia Pacific Research Conferences, in conjunction with ICA Regional Assembly for some years. The third ICA Regional Research Conference was held at the Melia Hotel, Hanoi on 2nd December, 2008,...
Dec 01, 2008 ICA Committee on Agriculture for Asia & the Pacific met at Melia Hotel, Hanoi, Vietnam on 1st December, 2008. There was a joint Seminar with the International Cooperative Agricultural Organisation (ICAO), preceding the Meeting of the...
Nov 05, 2008 We are happy to place below the membership application form and procedure to become members of the ICA.INTERNATIONAL Route des Morillons 15 Tel: (41 22) 929 88 38CO-OPERATIVE 1218 Grand-Saconnex Fax: (41 22) 798 41 22ALLIANCE Geneva E-mail: ica@...
Nov 05, 2008 Open Letter to the Governments of the G8The people of the world have watched with shock and disbelief as some global financialstructures have dissolved in panic, and bastions of the investment and banking industry havecollapsed and disappeared....
Thought Orientation NoteCo-operative Advantage in the Economy of Asia & the Pacific:ICA already has a list of 300 world’s major cooperatives and mutual business. These global 300 give us the confidence that cooperative institutions can be successful and...
Dec 05, 2008 The Regional Assembly for Asia-Pacific will be held at the Melia Hotel, Hanoi from 09.00 to 16.00 hours on 5th December, 2008 and will follow the usual agenda. You are requested to register yourself for the event.
