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Latest News at ICA-AP

    The embassy of the Netherlands hosted the Indo-Dutch Sustainability (INDUS) Forum on June 19, 2017 at Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi, to look at ways to turn sustainability related challenges into business opportunities. The ICA-EU partnership was...
    At the Forum in Bishkek.   The ICA-AP and the Cooperatives Union of Kyrgyzstan (CUK) will jointly organize the Forum on Development of Co-operatives in central Asia from 30 June to 2 July 2017 in Bishkek and Issyk Kul in Kyrgyz Republic. Central Asian...
    The Belt and Road Seminar on Rural Cooperative Finance was held from June 23 to 25 at the Zhejian Economic and Trade Polytechnic in Hangzhou, China. The seminar was attended by 35 participants from 14 countries. The focus of the workshop was on Rural Co-...
    Recently, in an email, a member asked me to send information about the theme for International Co-operative Day this year. Without giving much thought, I asked my colleague to forward the link on the ICA website. The real import of the theme struck me...
    The Korean Federation of Community Credit Coops (KFCCC) organized the second training on the Korean Saemaul Geumgo development model for a group of 10 former and current officers from Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Myanmar.  This model has...
    Mr. Bahman Abdullahi, President of Iran Chamber of Cooperatives (ICC) met with H.E. Mr. Saurabh Kumar, Ambassador of India to Iran, and emphasized the need for steady growth emerging out of the interactions between Iran and India in the co-operative...
  Dhundi Solar Pump Irrigators’ Cooperative: A Preliminary Study T. Paranjothi1 H.K. Mishra2   Abstract   Innovation, Production and productive use of renewable energy is fast becoming a challenging phenomenon for global leaders. Renewable energy will...
  The Palestinian national co-operative sector strategy was launched by Prime Minister, Mr. Rami Hamdallah in February. The national strategy was led by the General Directorate of Co-operatives (GDC) and was supported by the ILO and key national stakeholders...
